Happy New Year 2018 Everyone!!!
It’s a brand new year, but not to worry, our heroes, Vince (@vinsanity09 and @vmostajo09) and Anthony (@murseant) will keep bringing you the same great essence of themselves as they usher in 2018. They discuss 2017 for the state of the podcast, some of the things they didn’t get to touch on in-depth like X-Men and Justice League, and talk about the outlook for what’s gonna happen for the pod to grow in 2018.
Special thanks to:
– Reyna (@reynax81) for helping with our promos
– Ariane for a quick guest appearance to say hello
– Vexento (https://soundcloud.com/vexento) for his song “Return of the Heroes” (fitting huh?)
– And of course, as always, Evan King (evanking.bandcamp.com) for “Alpha Channels” the official theme of KIN heard on this and almost every episode of this podcast
Also, regrets to:
– Echo Kellum – We are very sorry that Anthony still doesn’t know who you are. Please send all hatemail to [email protected]
Please rate, comment, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, and find us and leave us some love over at Stitcher Radio.
Keep it real, Keep it NERD!!
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