Keeping It Nerd #18 – Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?!?!

March 02, 2018 01:10:08
Keeping It Nerd #18 – Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?!?!
Keeping It Nerd
Keeping It Nerd #18 – Whatcha Gonna Do, Brother?!?!

Mar 02 2018 | 01:10:08


Show Notes

The newest addition to the team, Jeremiah Dempsey (@xjdempseyx), wrestles with the topics alongside Anthony (@murseant)

With Vince (@vmostajo09) going off on his own side-quest, we join Jeremiah and Anthony as they discuss the state of WWE today, becoming fans of pro wrestling, and talk about what they each are excited (or not excited) about regarding the future of McMahon’s action soap opera for dudes. Listen as they try to put each other over and prove that “the cream of the crop, oooh yeah, rises to the top!”

Special Thanks:
– Chill Carrier for the song, “80s”
– Topher Mohr and Alex Elena with “Garage”
– Reyna (@reynax81) for the promos as well as Vince
– Evan King ( for “Alpha Channels”, the official theme of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard on this and almost every episode of this podcast

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Email: [email protected]
Socials: @keepingitnerd on both Twitter and Instagram

Keep it real, Keep it NERD!!

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