Vince Mostajo (@vmostajo09) chats with founder/CEO of Hero Within clothing company (@herowithininc), Tony Kim (@crazy4comiccon). Their mission is to “TO RESHAPE POP CULTURE FASHION WITH INTEGRATED, EMPOWERING AND SOPHISTICATED GEEK STYLE”. They talk about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie, the state of the Star Wars franchise as well as fashion in the Nerd community and how it goes beyond just screen tees and hoodies.
Special Thanks:
– Reyna Mostajo for the promos
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the the official song of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard on this and almost every episode of this very fine podcast.(@gameboyjones on instagram &
– Oshova for the song, “Summer’s Tides”
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Socials: @keepingitnerd
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