The triumphant trio of Vince (@vmostajo09), Anthony and Jeremiah (@xjdempseyx) discuss the spiraling of the X-Men movie franchise. The latest trailer of X-Men: Dark Phoenix have them wondering where did this franchise go wrong. Though the original was the catalyst to what we are being treated to now a days with superhero flicks, why does it have them like, MEH. Strap yourself into the cockpit of the X-Jet Blackbird turn up the volume and enjoy!!!
Special Thanks to:
– Reyna Mostajo & Anthony Rivera for the promos
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the official song of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard here on this and almost every episode of this very fine podcast. (@gameboyjones on instagram &
– Oshova for the song ” Acoustic Waves ” (
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