Vince (@vmostajo09) and Jeremiah (@xjdempseyx) dive into some Nerdy current events. (Well sort of current, due to technical difficulties with our hosting site this “Issue” was backed up.) Either way enjoy our blathering banter on these topics
– Disney+ ( The announcements of the content that will be ready for viewing during their November launch )
– Star Wars Celebration ( The much anticipated reveal of the 3rd movie in the latest trilogy accompanied by a much needed trailer. Also The Mandalorian is debuted and Vince is ALL IN, too soon?)
– Game of Thrones Returns
Special Thanks to:
– Reyna Mostajo for the promos
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the official song ‘Keeping It Nerd’
heard here on this and almost every episode of this fine podcast.
(@gameboyjones on Instagram and
– Oshova for the song “Summer Waves”
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Email: [email protected]
Socials: @keepingitnerd
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