With Voltron Season 8 set to premiere in December Vince (@vmostajo) is joined by guest of podcast past, Nikko (@neeqo.suave) where these two Keith and Lance this episode going over Netflix Voltron Legendary Defender Season 7.
*Episode was recorded prior to the season 8 premiere announcement, it explains Vince’s faux paus of an Oct release.
Special Thanks:
– Reyna Mostajo for the promos
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the the official song of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard on this and almost every episode of this very fine podcast.(@gameboyjones on instagram & caliberbeats.com)
– Oshova for the songs, ” Summer Tides” & “Summer Nights”(https://soundcloud.com/osh-va)
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