Keeping It Nerd #30 – Nightmare on Nerd Street Halloween Special

October 31, 2018 01:27:33
Keeping It Nerd #30 – Nightmare on Nerd Street Halloween Special
Keeping It Nerd
Keeping It Nerd #30 – Nightmare on Nerd Street Halloween Special

Oct 31 2018 | 01:27:33


Show Notes

Happy Halloween everyone!! The treacherous trio of Vince (@vmostajo09), Anthony (@murseant) & Jeremiah (@xjdempseyx) walk down to the corner of Elm street and Memory Lane as they discuss scary movies, trick or treating as kids and the Simpsons Treehouse of Terror.

Special Thanks:
– Reyna Mostajo for the promos
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the the
official song of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard on this
and almost every episode of this very fine
podcast.(@gameboyjones on instagram &

Please rate, comment, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play
Music, and on STITCHER Radio.

Email: [email protected]
Socials: @keepingitnerd

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