Vince (@vmostajo09) Jeremiah (@xjdempseyx) & Reyna (@reynax81) grab a handful of quarters to visit Mr. Litwak’s arcade to see what Ralph and Vanellope are up to in Disney’s sequel to Wreak-It-Ralph. Listen as they give their takes and hear how Vince & Reyna’s latest trip to the movies was like.
Special Thanks:
– Gameboy Jones & Caliberbeats for the official song of ‘Keeping It Nerd’ heard on this and almost every episode of this vey fine podcast. (@gameboyjones on Instagram &
– Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Vince (@vmostajo09) and special contributor (and brand new co-host) to the podcast, Jeremiah (@xjdempseyx), break down some of the hot topics from this past...
Our heroes took some time off the last few months to deal with a few things. Some cool, some serious, some sad, and some...
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